Asia Middle East Russia

April 22, 2024

Is there an alliance between Russia, China, and Iran? – Anders Puck Nielsen

Middle East

April 9, 2024

Shock! Analysis Proves That Hamas is Faking All of Its Fake Casualty Figures – Ace of Spades HQ

It’s just not possible that nearly the exact same number of people are killed every single day, whether Israel’s tempo of battle is high or low.

This is just stupid Hamas propagandists literally just adding the same number every day. Well, the same number plus/minus 15%.

This kind of numerical evidence is a very powerful and very reliable tool. Fraudulent accounting is discovered all the time by such mathematical analysis.

Experts in forensic accounting know how much randomness and variation to expect in actually-random data. Most fraudsters do not.

The longer version:

How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers: The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures – Abraham Wyner (Tablet Magazine)

The first place to look is the reported “total” number of deaths. The graph of total deaths by date is increasing with almost metronomical linearity, as the graph in Figure 1 reveals.

This regularity is almost surely not real. One would expect quite a bit of variation day to day. In fact, the daily reported casualty count over this period averages 270 plus or minus about 15%. This is strikingly little variation. There should be days with twice the average or more and others with half or less. Perhaps what is happening is the Gaza ministry is releasing fake daily numbers that vary too little because they do not have a clear understanding of the behavior of naturally occurring numbers.

Middle East Ukraine

March 1, 2024

Israel and Russia Fall Out (Sending Aid to Ukraine) || Peter Zeihan

Middle East

February 6, 2024

Why the Middle East Is So Aggravating (yet so difficult to leave) || Peter Zeihan

Middle East North America

December 8, 2023

Major Donor Makes It Explicit to UPenn: If Magill Stays, You Lose My $100 Million. If You Fire Her, I Send You the $100 Million. – Ace of Spades HQ

Many of you may, like me, be of two minds on this issue.

On one hand: Your rules. These are your rules. We’re going to make you choke on them until you spit them out and admit they’re poison.

But it does feel wrong to be demanding that universities crack down on offensive speech.

Still, they already have been outlawing virtually all “offensive” speech. What they’re doing here is selectively allowing some favored hate speech.
Middle East North America

December 8, 2023

Harvard Hates Jews – Boston 25 News

Harvard President Claudine Gay was one of four Presidents grilled during a five-hour hearing Tuesday into how their institutions had responded to instances of antisemitism on campuses, which caused significant backlash.


Her response was cited as a motivating factor by the student group that hired the plane [carrying a banner reading “Harvard Hates Jews”]. “This rise of antisemitism has been either ignored or even endorsed by the universities’ leaderships,” the group said.

Their statement went on to say, “Jewish students nationwide felt threatened and abandoned by Gay’s lack of response.”

H/t: Instapundit

Middle East

November 12, 2023

A View Of The War In Gaza [Diogenes]: Israel’s War and Tactics – Ace of Spades HQ

Middle East Ukraine

November 9, 2023

Ukraine is losing the media war to Israel – Anders Puck Nielsen

Middle East

October 24, 2023

Contrary to Commander Salamander, Combat Veteran Reacts is not optimistic about an Israeli ground offensive into Gaza:

Israel’s Gaza Invasion is Going to Be A FAILURE! – Combat Veteran Reacts

Middle East Satire and Humor

October 19, 2023

Man Solving Middle East by Watching Hours of Snuff Videos on X – Ryan Long